You know what the secret ingredient to Burt’s success is? Massive bee killings. Every product he sells is made of bees. Mommy bees, baby bees, special needs bees – even the Queen bee. I call on our faithful readers to boycott Burt, his stupid beard, and his sinister bee killing ways.
I never trusted that guy anyway. Imagine you saw him hitchhiking. You'd never pick him up. Even Phish fans would be scared of that beard and that hat. Dirty hippie drifter.
There used to be lots of bees everywhere but now there's only two or three left. And when those last bees die, that's it—the end of the world. Because bees make apples and grass and corn and without them the whole food chain is going to be destroyed and farmers will go bankrupt and nobody will have anything to eat and it'll be like The Grapes of Wrath except it will be called The Bees of Wrath.
I never trusted that guy anyway. Imagine you saw him hitchhiking. You'd never pick him up. Even Phish fans would be scared of that beard and that hat. Dirty hippie drifter.
I'm on my second day of boycotting Burt's. My lips hurt, severely chapped, but we need to stay strong on this matter!!
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