Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Boy, if this isn't giving up, I don't know what is. The bees are dying, mostly because of us, so what should we do? Save them? Stop doing shit that kills them? Nah, fuck that—let's replace them with robo-bees.

Is this not unfucking believable? Apparently it's easier to build cyborgs than it is to stop using fucked up pesticides. Yup. That's the human race for you. Hey, maybe instead of curing cancer we can just invent artificial technology and then robots will replace us, just like in the movies.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are the bees really busy?!!!

Okay, really?! So now we're not just killing the bees—we're questioning their work ethic! Are you fucking kidding me? Oh yeah, sure, bees, they are lazy fucks. They just hang out in the hive, throw back honey shots, maybe once in a while flutter around a field sniffing flowers. That's about it. Oh yeah wait, there's also that part where they pollinate more than half the crops that feed the human race. Just that. No big deal. It's easy. Not really a job—more of a hobby.
You know what would be better? Blogging. Bees should stop this whole stupid pollinating thing and go churn out some posts. You know, maybe get into the whole meme thing, start a cat Tumblr, that sort of thing.
Yup. Bees, you lazy shit buzzers. Get a job. Seriously.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hornets are dicks

It has really got to suck being a be. Now even other bugs are being assholes to them.